Weakley County Sports Hall Of Fame
The Weakley County Sports Hall of Fame was chartered October 1, 2019 with the purpose of living by our motto, “Honor the Past, Celebrate the Present, Promote the Future.”
Weakley County has a long, rich history of athletic accomplishments. Since the county’s inception in October of 1823, there have been over 60 schools covering the 582 square miles of rich farm land in the Northwest corner of the Volunteer State. Small, community schools have bred deep roots and traditions, which have manifested themselves on the fields and courts. Although the number of educational institutions have shrank in numbers, athletics is ingrained into the fiber of the county.
After multiple conversations about the creation of a Sports Hall of Fame between Wayne McCreight and John Hatler, the dream took shape in May of 2019. Dresden native and former WNBA Coach, Lin Dunn, contacted Wayne McCreight with the simple question, “Why doesn’t Weakley County have a sports Hall of Fame?” Mr. McCreight, long time football official and former member of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Sports Hall of Fame, sprang into action, and within three days, the first of several meetings transpired.
As a result, a collaborative group of nine people, representing every corner of Weakley County, worked together to create a framework to shape a Hall of Fame that highlights the exploits of athletic competition. The board was expanded to 20 members in December, and they conducted their first full meeting in January of 2020.
The goal of the Weakley County Sports Hall of Fame is simple….highlight the athletic achievements of the county through our motto.